Thrilling Adventure Hour Wiki
Thrilling Adventure Hour Wiki

Trick Clock, as depicted in the Original Graphic Novel

Trick Clock is a character in The Cross-Time Adventures of Colonel Tick-Tock. He is played by Hal Lublin.  In The Wright Stuff, Trick Clock was played by Mark Gagliardi.


Trick Clock is the sentient apparatus by which Colonel Tick-Tock is able to create time holes and move through time. He can also fix time anomalies, and send creatures out of time-sync back to their own eras.

All chronodesigns are property of Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria, filed 1830 and 3156.

Although generally Trick Clock is polite and helpful to Colonel Tick-Tock, in more recent episodes he has tended to get a little cheeky.

He's plenty of fun! Everyone says he's fun!

In the Wright Stuff, Trick Clock was sent elsewhere by K of the Cosmos.  When he was returned to Colonel Tick Tock, he'd been drinking too many Piña Coladas and came back drunk.

