The Thrilling Adventure Hour panel from Emerald City Comic-Con 2014 is a panel episode of The Thrilling Adventure Hour.
Patreon exclusive.
WorkJuice Players[]
Guest Stars[]
- Molly Quinn
- Paul and Storm
- Matt Fraction (Moderator)
The Thrilling Adventure Hour: The World Domination Tour Continues!
Time: 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Stage show. Nerdist podcast. Graphic Novel. Web Series. Concert Film. The world famous cult phenomenon storms into Seattle to celebrate current & future plans for comics, TV & beyond. Creators Ben Blacker & Ben Acker will discuss 2014 plans - with special surprise guests.[1]
- You guys like Matt Fraction also?
- How's everybody doing, how's your Sunday?
- Can you guys hear me?
- What is Thrilling Adventure Hour?
- Why did it take this form?
- What is it like to be part of this?
- Did any of you attend [the Thrilling Adventure Hour/Night Vale mashup]?
- Do you wanna be in this show?
- Do you wanna come to Seattle?
- Do you have a car?
- Can you pick up the script?
- Do you enjoy it when you're invited?
- Do you not enjoy it when you're not invited?
- Is there anyone you don't particularly enjoy working with as much as everybody else on this stage?
- Who's the worst?
- Do we each get a vote?
- Who's the Scooter?
- How did the graphic novel come about?
- What do you want to do on Thrilling Adventure Hour that you haven't gotten a chance to do yet?
- [Are there] any characters that haven't been done [artistic renditions of] yet?
- What is the hardest to get through?
- Do you guys know how headers and footers work in final draft?
- What's the difference between working in television and working on the Thrilling Adventure show and what you like and dislike about the two?
- Is Sasha being Atta Girl going to come back?
- Any other requests?
- Are there any more crossovers/mashups in the future?
- What delineates someone from going from guest star to being a WorkJuice player?
- Does Molly ever have a shot?
- Are we ever going to hear from the Tales from the Black Lagoon [segment] again?
- How did you guys fall into the Thrilling Adventure orbit?
- [Are there going to be more things like the concert film]?
- Are there any voices [or stories] that you've ever been nervous about?
- What is it like to shoot Drunk History?
- Did you guys film inside of Paget's closet, her amazing wardrobe, again?
- Can you share with us someone we can look forward to joining in?
- Is there a genre that you haven't tackled yet that you would like to?
- [Will we be] seeing any more Moonshine Holler any time soon?
- Can we look forward to seeing a crossover between the segments?
- Some of the questions had a running joke answer for new/returning/more characters/segments: October.[2]
- This is the 161st episode of The Thrilling Adventure Hour.
- The previous episode is The Cross-Time Adventures of Colonel Tick-Tock - The Wright Stuff.
- The next episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - Sheriff on Mars.
- The previous panel episode is The Thrilling Adventure Hour panel from LA's Comikaze 2013 (TAH #145).
- The next panel episode is the Panel from C2E2, Chicago's Comic Con (TAH #165).
This episode was recorded at Emerald City Comicon on March 30, 2014 and released on April 14, 2014.