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Thrilling Adventure Hour Wiki

Part Three is the third episode of Tales From the Black Lagoon.


Patreon exclusive.


WorkJuice Players[]

Guest Stars[]


Booking it west, Ben manages to shake the police, and as the full moon rises, he finds the home of Lon Chaney Jr. Out of the darkness, Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi appear and, upon learning Ben was the face of the creature, assume he’s been invited for their poker game. Inside, Lon Chaney Jr. is having "an episode" and does not do much more than howl and bark. Karloff, flirting with his lover, Lugosi, breaks open the wine, and Ben begins his line of questioning, with an unfortunate use of the past tense when asking about Diane Chaney. 

The three stars are understandably upset and Chapman is asked to leave.

On his way out, Claude Rains, unseen by Chapman, offers the advice to drop his interest in Diane Chaney, but that "live girls are the kind with answers." Chapman decides to track down Angela Lansbury.  

Quotable Lines[]

Ben Chapman: Mr. Rains?
Claude Rains: Yes?
Ben: This could be the beginning of a beautiful-
Claude: Oh, spare me. 



This episode was recorded and engineered in studio by Eban Schletter. It was released on April 4, 2011.
