This is a list of villains who appear in The Adventures of Captain Laserbeam and/or Phillip Fathom, Deep Sea Detective. You may also wish to browse villains by category, look for villains generally or a ranking of Captain Laserbeam's Most Dangerous Foes. You may also be interested in browsing henchmen.
- Agony Aunt
- Anarchyologist
- Angler Management
- Anne Frankenstein
- Astrosassins Union
- Axe Man
- The Bad Guys
- Beaknapper
- The Big Bully
- Big Game Hunter
- Billy the Squid
- Bloody Mary
- Bluebird of Unhappiness
- Boston Angler
- Bypass Surgeon
- Carrie-Okie
- Cat Burglar
- Catman
- Catwoman Woman
- The Churchnapper
- Citizen 100
- Circula
- Clownfish
- Coral Thief
- Dad Joker
- Daddy-O
- Deacon Structor
- Devilish Dunce
- The Die-brarian
- The Difficult Man
- Dirt-napper
- Dr. Holiday
- Dragon Lady
- Dunce
- The Earnapper
- Eely Dan
- Elderly Magician
- Ethel Mermaid
- Evil Houdini
- Evil Accountant
- Fair Weather Fiend
- Filth Column
- Fishwife
- Forget-Me-Not
- Foxy Burlesque
- Giant Napoleon
- Granny Smith
- Guynocerous
- Gynocerous
- Handsome Devil
- Hans Blowfish
- Harry Smoothini
- Helen of Destroy
- Hole-in-the-Wall Gang
- Headmasterer
- Hurricane Larry
- Hysterosaur
- Ice Cream Man
- Ice Queen
- Imperfect Palindrome
- Incan Painter
- Jack O' Jack O' Lantern
- John Gory
- Johnny Bedlam
- Julius Seashore
- Jumbler
- The Juvenile Delinquents
- Kid Kidnapper
- Kid Ragnarok, the Viking Teen
- Killjoy
- King Cool
- King Mammal
- La Cosa Nostradamus
- Lady Haiku
- Landlubber
- Little Drummer Boy
- Loophole
- Lying Dutchman
- Madam Bomber
- Magesterio
- Major Minor the Minuscule Musician
- Man Scout
- Mass Murderer
- Medusula
- Milton Badly
- Miss Behavior
- Mouthiverse the World Eater
- Mr. Octopus
- Mrs. Troutfire
- Negative Nancy
- Neptune's Angels
- Nervous Nellie
- Numbler
- Octopus's Gardener
- Old Man
- Old Man Baby
- Ophelia Jones
- Opposite Dave
- Oysters Rockefeller
- The Pandamaniums
- Peanut Butler
- Pea Soup Peterson
- Penguinator
- Penny Dreadful
- Professor Backfire
- Protege
- Purple Puritan
- Queen Amphibian
- Ramona
- Rampaging Ego
- Red Snapper
- Reef Madness
- Rhinocerist
- Rosa Sharks
- Scarlett O'Horror
- Sea-Devil
- Seahorsemen of the Apocalypse
- Shape Ape
- Sharkapella
- Shrieking Violet
- Shock Broker
- Sinister Fiends
- Sinner George
- Space Face
- Stark Raving Gentleman
- Street Magician
- Substa-brute
- Sudoku
- Surf & Turf
- Thug Boat
- Tinker Taylor
- Tom Foolery
- Trainiac
- The Urchin
- The Waterfowl
- Weathermen
- The Wet Bandits
- Wild Goose
- Yesterdamus