WorkJuice Players Marc Evan Jackson and Paul F. Tompkins host a series of special episodes in which they answer fan questions.
Episode 137[]
- Is each episode performed just once?
- What do WorkJuice Players do with the fan art they receive?
- What would it cost to be a WorkJuice Player for a day?
- Will there be another musical episode?
- Will Colonel Tick-Tock ever visit Mars?
- What is your dream cover version of a Thrilling Adventure Hour theme song?
- How long have Paul F. Tompkins and Paget Brewster known each other? How did they meet?
- Will there every be a baby Doyle?
- How did Dave Henderson and Donna Henderson meet?
- Will complete shows - with commercials - ever be released?
- This episode was released on October 7, 2013.
- The prior episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - Distrustified.
- The next episode is Amelia Earhart, Fearless Flyer - Nazis Fall on Yancy Street.
Episode 142[]
- Patreon exclusive.
- How can I become involved with The Thrilling Adventure Hour? Are there auditions?
- What happens to the printed scripts after each show?
- What goes on at the supposedly notorious Thrilling Adventure Hour parties (with drinks involved)?
- Was Tales From the Black Lagoon ever performed live? Why was it recorded in a studio rather than in front of an audience? Will there be more Tales From the Black Lagoon?
- When was it realized that Sadie Doyle reciting lists of things was the greatest thing ever?
- Are there recordings from any of the M Bar shows? If so, will they ever be released?
- Are there any plans to show the Patriot Brand Cigarettes and WorkJuice Coffee commercials with podcast listeners?
- When there are two shows, how difficult is it to choose which one to release on the podcast?
- Did the original Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars movie script tie up all loose ends, or was it more open-ended like the story is now?
- Which segment of The Thrilling Adventure Hour would best fit a 1-hour television time slot?
- Why are bees a recurring theme in the Thrilling Adventure Hour universe, particularly in Beyond Belief and Colonel Tick-Tock?
- Since the Red Plains Rider was raised by Martians, is she under onus to them?
- Will we ever hear Mercury talk again?
- Will Phillip Fathom get his own spinoff a la Cactoid Jim?
- Which is easier to write - Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars or Beyond Belief ?
- Have Frank or Sadie Doyle ever been sober since they met each other?
- Will we ever see Captain Laserbeam as his alter ego?
- Where are the musicians for each show found?
- This episode was released on November 11, 2013.
- The prior episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - Natal Attraction.
- The next episode is A Halloween Beyond Belief.
Episode 151[]
- Patreon exclusive.
- What are good episodes to use when introducing friends to The Thrilling Adventure Hour?
- What is your favorite thing about working with your co-star? (Mark Gagliardi for Marc Evan Jackson, Paget Brewster for Paul F. Tompkins)
- What one thing have you learned most about acting from your years in The Thrilling Adventure Hour?
- Have any WorkJuice Players audtioned for roles that they wanted but did not get?
- How did the writing and improvising process work on the Superego crossover War of Two Worlds episodes? Would you crossover with any other podcast in the future?
- How did you like (or not like) the comic versions of yourselves in the Original Graphic Novel?
- If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
- What are the origins of Jib Janeen, the Jupiter Spy's voice?
- What are the story origins of Jib Janeen?
- This episode was released on February 3, 2014.
- The prior episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - Free Kicks.
- The next episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - Moonfaker.
Episode 158[]
- Patreon exclusive.
- What is the story behind Sadie Parker Knickerhouse Doyle's name? Where did the Knickerhouse come from (and what happened to it)?
- Why was Dorothy Parker picked to be "the dumb one" in the Algonquin Four?
- What is the role of the director? What is it that Aaron Ginsburg does?
- Do cast members bow when they exit the stage? Does this correspond with the applause breaks that are heard on the podcasts?
- Was the name "Amelia Earhart, Fearless Flyer" at all influenced by the Trader Joe's circular, also named "Fearless Flyer"?
- How far ahead of time do cast members receive the scripts?
- What's your favorite version of the Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars theme? Was it Paul F. Tompkins ' intention to get Marc Evan Jackson to laugh during the theme from The Thing From This Same Planet!?
- Did the pre-podcast episodes of Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars address the original creation on onus?
- This episode was released on March 24, 2014.
- The prior episode is Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - La Venganza de Los Bandititos.
- The next episode is Beyond Belief - The Heart is a Lonely Haunter.
Episode 168[]
- Patreon exclusive.
- What segments failed to migrate to Largo from M Bar?
- If you could go on a TV show as your character, what show would you choose?
- What's it like working with famous actors?
- Might we see Frank and Sadie Doyle on Mars?
- What's the most cringe-worthy flub that's happened on stage during a show?
- Is it ever difficult to get through a segment that is emotional or upsetting?
- If you had to miss a show but the Bens let you pick a WorkJuice Player to be your stand in, who would be your choice for Sparks, Frank Doyle, and the King of Coffee?
- This episode was released on June 2, 2014.
- The prior episode is Beyond Belief - Prelude to a Fish.
- The next episode is The Adventures of Captain Laserbeam - Poetry Commotion.