The American Victory Commission is a secret arm of the US Army during World War Two. There are several initiatives under AVC jurisdiction, all of which battle similar secret Nazi initiatives.
The Chronological Intelligence Bureau is likely a branch of the AVC. The United Kingdom equivalent of the AVC is the Assured Success Council.
One base of operations is located in a bunker below the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA. There is another in Hawaii.
Known AVC Agents[]
- General Rex Flagwell is in charge of the AVC
- Jefferson Reid, Ace American is a top Agent
- Abby Adams, who both runs missions and coordinates agents
- Amelia Earhart, Fearless Flyer
- Billy the Kid in Vild Vild Vest
- Joan of Arc in Vive Le Reich?
- George Washington
- Charles Lindbergh
- Joe Harrington in Ace and Mr. President
- Lieutenant Amy Johnson, famous pilot on loan from the Assured Success Council, covering Agent Adams' duties while Adams is on mandatory R&R in Democratic Unconventions
- Anne "Aspasia" in Democratic Unconventions
- Agent Barrington in Return to Castle Brunholdt
The Adorability Initiative[]
A Sub-section of the AVC is the Adorability Initiative, which trains orphaned youth to covertly fight against the Nazis. Previously run by Mrs. Bleistiftspitzer.
Known Adorability Initiative Agents[]
- Brownie Finn, the Star-Spangled boy
- Pal Sawyer
- Chip Alger (OGN)
- Moxie Boyd (OGN)
- Lucky Appleseed